Luma Gómez

Category: Actress

She has an important professional career as has worked in several theatre companies as well as participated in many performances of the Galician Dramatic Centre. She usually collaborates as an actress in programmes and serials on Galician TV. She started her theatre activity in 1969 and was one of the founders of the following companies: ‘TEATRO ZOO’ (Madrid, 1970-1977), ‘TEATRO ANDRÓMENA’ (Santiago de Compostela, 1979), ‘TEATRO DO ESTARIBEL, COOPERATIVA TEATRAL GALEGA’ (1980-1981) and ‘TEATRO DO NOROESTE’ (1991). She was a member of the amateur theatre groups ‘TEATRO-ESTUDIO’ (Ferrol, 1969) and ‘TALIA’ (Ferrol, 1970) and the professional group ‘LA PICOTA’ (Madrid, 1977).

 Work & Activities

TELEVISION: She participated as a dubbing actress in several serials and films for Galician TV during 1985, 1986 and 1987, in the programme ‘A NOITE MEIGA’ (1987), ‘O ENFERMO IMAXINARIO’ (1986), in the serial ‘SERVICIO DE URXENCIAS’ within the programme ‘VELAÍ’ on Galician TV (1989), ‘OS XUSTOS’ (1991), she participated in an episode of the serial ‘CELIA’ on Spanish TV, directed by José Luis Borau (1991), ‘UN SOÑO DE VERÁN’ (1992), ‘UNHA ROSA É UNHA ROSA (UNHA COMEDIA DE MEDO)’ (1997), ‘PRATOS COMBINADOS’ (1996) and ‘A FAMILIA PITA’ (1997).

CINEMA: She played ‘Marica da fame’ in the film ‘EL BOSQUE ANIMADO’ produced by Classic-Films, directed by José Luis Cuerda and with the script written by Rafael Azcona, based on the book of the same title written by W. Fernández Flórez (1987), she played ‘Urxa’ (main character) in the film ‘URXA’ by Carlos Piñeiro and Alfredo Pinal (1989), ‘EL JUEGO DE LOS MENSAJES INVISIBLES’, a film produced by Atlántico Films and directed by Juan Pinzás (1991) and ‘LA LEYENDA DE LA DONCELLA’, a film produced by Atlántico Films and directed by Juan Pinzás.

THEATRE: She participated in the following films: ‘O ENFERMO IMAXINARIO’ by Molière (Galician Dramatic Centre, 1986), ‘MEDEA’ by Eurípides-Séneca-Anouilh (‘Produccións do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1987), ‘GALICIA, S.L.’, a performance carried out with the collaboration of Manuel Rivas, Antón de Santiago, María Xosé Queizán, Manuel Guede, Xesús Campos, Antonio F. Simón and Lino Braxe (‘Teatro do Malbarate’-‘Produccións do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1988), ‘AS ALEGRES CASADAS’ by William Shakespeare (Galician Dramatic Centre, 1989), she was awarded ‘Compostela’ Prize in 1990 for the best theatre performance in the previous year, ‘REI LEAR’, by William Shakespeare (‘Produccións do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1990), ‘OS XUSTOS’, by Albert Camus and translated by X.M. Beiras (‘Produccións do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1991), ‘UN SOÑO DE VERÁN’, by William Shakespeare (Galician Dramatic Centre, 1992), ‘A GRANDE NOITE DE FIZ (OU CHEGAN DE FRANCIA NOTICIAS PREOCUPANTES)’, by Miguel Anxo Murado (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1992), ‘GALILEO GALILEI’, by Bertolt Brecht. (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1993), ‘AS VODAS DE FÍGARO’, by Caron de Beaumarchais (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1994), ‘MACBETH’, by William Shakespeare, translated into Galician by Fernando Pérez-Barreiro Nolla (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1994), ‘HISTORIAS PEREGRINAS’, by Miguel Anxo Murado (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1995), ‘NOITE DE REIS’, by William Shakespeare (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1996), ‘UNHA ROSA É UNHA ROSA, UNHA COMEDIA DE MEDO’, by Suso de Toro (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 1997), ‘LIGAZÓN’, ‘EL EMBRUJADO’ and ‘LAS GALAS DEL DIFUNTO’, by Ramón Mª del Valle Inclán within the performance VALLE INCLÁN / 98, Galician Dramatic Centre, 1998), ‘EU ESTABA NA CASA E AGARDABA QUE VIÑESE A CHUVIA’, by Jean-Luc Lagarce (Galician Dramatic Centre, 1999), ‘FEIRANTES’, a version directed by Eduardo Alonso about some texts written by Álvaro Cunqueiro and collected in ‘Os outros feirantes’ (‘Teatro do Noroeste’ Santiago de Compostela, 1999), ‘CELESTINA, COMEDIA DOS TOLOS AMORES DE CALISTO E MELIBEA’, a version directed by Eduardo Alonso (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 2000), ‘O PAÍS ACUÁTICO’ (theatre for children), by Eduardo Alonso (‘Teatro do Noroeste’ Santiago de Compostela, 2000), ‘ALTA COMEDIA’, by Eduardo Alonso (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 2001), ‘CAMPO SUR’, by Lino Braxe (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 2002), ‘AS DAMAS DE FERROL’, by Eduardo Alonso (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Santiago de Compostela, 2002), ‘O VELORIO’, by Francisco Taxes (Galician Dramatic Centre, 2003) and ‘ENSAIO’, by Eduardo Alonso (‘Teatro do Noroeste’, Compostela, 2004).