Ramón Piñeiro López

Category: Defender of the Galician Autonomy, philosopher and political and cultural activist
Birth Date: 31 de julio de 1915 (†agosto de 1990)
Birth Place: Armeá-Láncara (Lugo)


He studied Secondary Education in Lugo and then went back to Armeá again, where he stayed until 1930. After reading El Pueblo Gallego, he was very interested in the Galician political and cultural movement.

In 1932 he went back to Lugo and got in touch with young men who supported the Galician Autonomy.

In 1933, he attended the Assembly of the Galician Party, which took place in Santiago. He met here Castelao and Alexandre Bóveda among others.

In 1936, he was elected as the Secretary of the Provincial Committee for the plebiscite of the Statute of Autonomy. At the beginning of the Civil War, he was accused many times but fortune and the help of some people made him be left unpunished. At the end of the War, he started university studies in Santiago.

In 1943 he worked in secrecy to reorganize the Galician movement and travelled to Paris where the Republic Government was in exile. Coming back from Paris he was arrested in Madrid and sent to prison for six years. He would become the editor of the publishing house Galaxia, which was founded in Santiago in 1950.

In 1967, he entered the Galician Academy with a very important speech titled A ligoaxe i as lingoas. In 1983, he became the first president of the Galician Culture.

 Work & Activities

During the 50's he developed a great essayist activity publishing compositions such as Significado metafísico da Saudade (1951), A saudade en Rosalía (1952) or Para unha filosofía da saudade (1953).

In 1984, all these works were collected with A Filosofía e o Home and Saudade e Sociedade in an only volume titled A Filosofía da saudade. He was often invited by different Universities and took part in congresses, speeches, and lectures. Together With Celestino F. De La Vega, he translated into Galician language the book Cancioneiro de Poesía Céltica by Julius Pokordy. They both published in Galaxia the lecture Von Wessen der Wahrheit by Martin Heiddeger, which was titled in Galician language Da esencia da verdade.